25 January 2013

Unexpected Adventures of my Birthday Week :)

Well, I knew this would happen.  Unexpected adventures.  Here's the thing....I'm really good at planning and getting myself psyched up for something that's on my schedule.  I'm also really bad at going with the flow, and doing things that are not on my schedule.  Especially when they are new things, or "adventures" as I'm choosing to call them.

This week has been full of people singing to me in public (which I don't choose on my own.  ever.), people celebrating me (which is always hard for me to accept), and in general lots of joy!

Today, I did two things that I never thought I'd do but because of my goal of, basically, getting over myself, I tried them!

Numero Uno:  I ate a Spicy Tuna Roll.  That's sushi.  I LOVE sushi.  I do NOT LOVE spicy things.  Alas, I ate this little bugger, and it was spicy and weird, and it was great.  Then the entire section of the restaurant sang to me.  Two in one!

Numero Dos:  I participated in the Birthday Dance at Social Dance Studio.  As one of the birthday folk.  This is partially due to my AWESOME friends who encourage me so well!  This means I swing danced with strangers, in front of a crowd, messed up my dancing, in front of a crowd, and all in all had a great time.  Here's a picture of some random people swing dancing.

What a fun time having some random adventures! :)


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