15 January 2013

Down Hill....

...Skiing...falling...laughing...looking like a fool...enjoying every moment of it.

Today marks my first day down hill skiing.  And I had the best instructor I could ask for.  He's the best for two reasons:
1.  He knows what he's talking about.  
2.  He already harasses me on a daily basis,
so nothing is going to change after making a fool of myself. 

So here's how it went down.  Or rather, how I went down.  A hill.  :)

I started off by finding some snow pants to help protect me.  I felt like a little kid on the playground wearing these big, puffy pants, but it made falling a lot less painful!  I tried on different jackets, different under-layers, found gloves I thought might work, and searched for my earmuffs.  (And still forgot my knee brace.  Of all the things to forget.  I'm paying for that mistake as I type.)

I got to the hill far too early, sat in my car, ate a dinner of left overs from lunch that included hummus and carrots and a candy cane.  I changed stations on the radio every 10 seconds, called my mom, texted people.....anything to make me feel less nervous!  Finally, it was time for me to go into the lodge.  Luckily, I didn't have to stand awkwardly for very long, since Dan walked up shortly after I got in there.  Whew!

Got my skis, figured out the trickiest pair of shoes I will ever wear, and headed to the hill.

We started off with basics, then started by going about half-way up the hill to practice turns.  Little did I know part of learning these things meant that I was being told to do things that would most definitely make me fall.  I figured that out pretty quickly though.  By bruising my hipbone.  If only I had more natural cushioning...wait....no, nevermind.

Anyway, I practiced, and then got to go down the hill a few times before my lesson was over.  Definitely worth it!  Bruises, joint pain, tired muscles, and all.

This is Dan, my ski instructor!

And this is Dan and Dave in a really great video...

One down, 11 to go...

1.  Take a lesson in down-hill skiing.
2.  Attend a wine tasting event.
3.  See a fashion show.
4.  Take a swing dancing class.
5.  Get my nose pierced.
6.  Take a long bike ride through MN.
7.  Go on a date.
8.  Go to the top of the Foshay.
9.  Try a fun new hairstyle/haircut.
10.  Go on a brewery tour.
11.  Do a complete art project.
12.  Pick up an instrument.  aka:  play it each day for a month.

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