12 January 2013

I'm turning 25!...?

That's right, friends!  I'm turning 25 this month.  I know it shouldn't seem like such a big deal, but for some reason the age of 25 has always held some sort of unspoken importance to it.  It has always meant maturity, really being an adult, and making decisions on my own.  It has always meant that I can stay up late and get up early, and work where I want, and do what I love.  I have a bunch of maturing to do, but I definitely work where I want and do what I love, so I think I'm on the right track?! :)

Well, since this year of my life is quickly approaching, and I've always held it in such high esteem, I'd like to at least attempt to have my 25th year live up to all the hype that I'm probably wholly responsible for.  Or maybe it's not all my fault....can't you rent cars at 25 or something like that?

Anyway, I'd like to do something each month that fits into one of the following categories:  something I've never done before, something I've always wanted to do, or something that pushes me outside of my comfort zone.  My goal this year is to push myself to be confident, to try new things courageously, and to enjoy the things that God has given me.  This means being uncomfortable, doing things that I love, and allowing others to encourage me in those adventures!

I've made a list of 12 things that I will be doing throughout this year.  One each month.  I have a few backups in case I end up doing more than one of these in a month.  I will update each month as I do these things on the list.  When I complete a task it will be crossed out.  Which means it will satisfy my personality trait of loving to make lists simply because I can cross out the things on the list!

Here's my list!!

1.  Take a lesson in down-hill skiing.
2.  Attend a wine tasting event.
3.  See a fashion show.
4.  Take a swing dancing class.
5.  Get my nose pierced.
6.  Take a long bike ride through MN.
7.  Go on a date.
8.  Go to the top of the Foshay.
9.  Try a fun new hairstyle/haircut.
10.  Go on a brewery tour.
11.  Do a complete art project.
12.  Pick up an instrument.  aka:  play it each day for a month.

I'm open for suggestions, so give me some ideas in the comments, and maybe your ideas will make the updated list! :)

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