02 April 2011

Jesus desires you

Lately the Lord has been speaking to me by prompting the people in my life to share YouTube clips of slam poetry, sermons, songs, etc with me. These videos have always, every single time, hit a soft spot in my heart; a place where the Lord has been trying to reach me but I've been hesitant to give over complete control.

"I Will Wait For You" talks about not giving your heart away to just anyone, but instead wholly seeking the Lord for comfort and companionship. God is preparing someone for each and every one of us, and His timing will always be perfect; so we just have to wait for that one whom God has prepared for us.

"Jesus Wants the Rose" reminds us that no matter how much we mess up our lives or how much sin we choose to partake in, Jesus wants us! Jesus wants us to bring our broken, ragged, dirty selves wholly to Him for redemption and salvation. Jesus loves us in the midst of our sin and our deceit, and continues to loves us as we give our lives over to Him. This video and the message of it is so powerful, and brings tears to my eyes every time I remember it! I am so undeserving of the love God has for me, yet it is heaped upon me each and every moment of my life! How glorious is the Lord that created me!

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