28 April 2011

All Things

If You make all things work together
for my good,
why does it hurt so much?
Why must I feel pain that runs so deep?
Piercing layer by layer like a knife.
They say
"sticks and stones may break
my bones, but words can never hurt me."
Yet it's words that crush me
and destroy me.
It's the sly words from others that break me
& pierce my heart.

Yet I am reminded that all things
work together for my good.
The Lord can use words to heal
wounds inflicted by words.
The power we hold to lift up or tear down
with one seemingly meaningless comment
is far beyond my understanding.

One's words - our words -
can cause such downfall.
They can slice so deep
that it may never truly heal.
Our words leave scars on peoples' lives.
Yet, we are given the choice to not
create those scars.
We are given strength from God
to lift others up with the very thing
that once tore them down.

The Lord can use words to heal
wounds inflicted by words.
So this pain that pierces each layer
of my being is slowly being healed.
I am strengthened and emboldened,
I am taught perseverance,
and am learning each day
what trusting God truly looks like.
Hope is birthed from past trials,
and faith is strong in my soul.
All because you make all things
work together for my good.

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