28 April 2011

All Things

If You make all things work together
for my good,
why does it hurt so much?
Why must I feel pain that runs so deep?
Piercing layer by layer like a knife.
They say
"sticks and stones may break
my bones, but words can never hurt me."
Yet it's words that crush me
and destroy me.
It's the sly words from others that break me
& pierce my heart.

Yet I am reminded that all things
work together for my good.
The Lord can use words to heal
wounds inflicted by words.
The power we hold to lift up or tear down
with one seemingly meaningless comment
is far beyond my understanding.

One's words - our words -
can cause such downfall.
They can slice so deep
that it may never truly heal.
Our words leave scars on peoples' lives.
Yet, we are given the choice to not
create those scars.
We are given strength from God
to lift others up with the very thing
that once tore them down.

The Lord can use words to heal
wounds inflicted by words.
So this pain that pierces each layer
of my being is slowly being healed.
I am strengthened and emboldened,
I am taught perseverance,
and am learning each day
what trusting God truly looks like.
Hope is birthed from past trials,
and faith is strong in my soul.
All because you make all things
work together for my good.

19 April 2011

You are Creator, Create Anew

I don't want to be apathetic in worship, prayer, or everyday life! If the Lord is a Creator, then I pray for Him to create something new each moment of each day whether that be in worship, prayer, or every day events. I wish to experience Him anew each day.

After reading through Revelation chapter 4, and after listening to Francis Chan speak on Crazy Love I've been feeling led to read through Revelation chapter 4 whenever I approach the throne of God; in prayer or worship. I don't want to forget how truly magnificent the God is whom I approach!

You are Creator, Create anew
I want to experience You
in this time of prayer,
Lord work in me.

Stretch my heart beyond what
I consider comfortable.
Mold my mind; my thoughts
so I can fully see you
regardless of my struggle to

My soul longs for something
new in this time or worship!
Reveal Your Glory to me!

Help me experience your Love,
and Power, and Glory
in new ways this night.
I long to encounter You!

You are Creator, Create anew
each time I approach Your throne.
Help me feel, breathe, see, taste
the God of Revelation!
Though I may not fully understand You,
I want to hear Your voice
like rushing water!

Let my entire being scream
in adoration
"Holy, holy, holy, is the
Lord God Almighty,
who was, and is, and is to come."

When I approach Your throne,
remind me of Your Greatness.
Remind me of Your Power.
Let me not forget
what a great honor it is
to approach You.
An honor I don't deserve nor
can ever earn.

I long to experience You anew.
You are Creator, Create anew.

06 April 2011

Reckless Spendthrift of Grace

In The Prodigal God Timothy Keller tells us in the introduction "The word 'prodigal' does not mean 'wayward' but, according to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 'recklessly spendthrift.' It means to spend until you have nothing left. (Yes, I barely got into the book and it changed my understanding of the parable of The Prodigal Son and God Himself!) When I think of the word 'prodigal' using that meaning and place it in front of 'God' I gain a whole new understanding His gift of Grace! God spends all of his Grace on undeserving sinners, knowing that we will continue to fall short of His Glory again and again, but He gives all that He has for us. The Lord recklessly spends until He has nothing left to spend...except that the Lord's well of Grace never runs dry. So He continues to give and give and give to those who believe, regardless of whether we have earned it or not!

In light of God's free gift of Grace and His recklessly spendthrift attitude about Grace, shouldn't we strive to be the same? I can't help but think that I should pray for a more recklessly spendthrift heart in regards to care, compassion, grace, mercy.... I should be striving to be more like Jesus, and if that means I have to be recklessly compassionate to those around me, then let it be so!

Reckless Spendthrift

Reckless spendthrift.
What a radical thought,
in terms of grace.
Let me take a page from
Your Book.

Let me recklessly give my love,
compassion & mercy to those
around me.
After all, that's what You ask of me.
I no longer wish to pass by
stranger without so much as
a kind smile.

I want to change this world by
being so recklessly compassionate
to my neighbors.
Let me be but a raindrop in
Your life-giving river,
so others will feel & see.

I wish to lose track of my
Focusing on the severe needs
of others,
rather than the superficial wants
which consume me.

Let each bump in the road &
pothole in my path be
an opportunity.
No longer shall I swerve around
or take an alternate route.

Let me spend recklessly
the Love and Compassion
You have taught me by example.

05 April 2011

Prayer and Petition

Lord I need You in this place
Your presence,
Your glory,
Your fame.
Bring it to this room, to this soul!
Your Grace pours down on my head
it covers me so wholly, I can't comprehend.

I petition your presence in this place.
Your Awesome Power
I will not hide from.
I will find joy in you.
Lord I ask for You tonight.

Encompass me with
Your arms,
Renew a burning fire of
Passion in my soul!
A fire that only You can control.
A fire that will overtake this world.
Lord bring that Fire to this place!
Engulf me Lord
day after day!

Show me more of You
more of Your Love & Power.
Lord cover me, drown me, engulf me
in all that You are.
Lord I cast away my
sins & pride & selfishness.
I give them to You,
so You may enter this place.
So You may enter this soul.

Transform me with Your presence.
Transform this soul, this room,
with Your Righteousness.
Bury me & let yourself
shine through.
I need more of You and so much less of me.
Bury my selfish desires deep Lord!

Only You can deliver me from myself,
Lord be here with me tonight
So I may truly see You,
experience You,
be engulfed by You.
So I may know my One True Love
more dearly.
Lord, bring Your presence to this place!

04 April 2011

John 11

Instead of trusting with great faith and courage like Mary and Martha...I choose to fall when trying to stand on my own...even when I see Jesus standing, hand outstretched, watiting for me to take hold and rely fully on His strength in times of need.
I wrote this poem a couple months ago, and it still rings true!

fear. weakness. scared. afraid. light. darkness.

while strength & courage are viable options,
i continue to choose weakness
and fear.
strength requires courage, and
in the courage department --
i'm severely lacking.
i can put on a face that
will fool all in the crowd.
my words and my wit can get me out of
almost any somewhat risky mission.
it is not a question of willingness.
my soul longs for adventure,
but fears of failure.
courage is not the lack of fear,
but rather the willingness
to face your fears head on.
take a giant leap of faith and there you will find
your strength.
yet...all i choose is weakness.
i succumb to yet another fear.
fear of rejection, exile, gossip.
fear of being recognized, or noticed.
my fear creates in me a deep
of weakness.
one that is filled to the brim
with lies whispered over
the years.
lies that have been trickling in.
like a venemous stream.
the enemy knows which words will sting.
and those words consume my soul.
breeding exactly the creatures
to fight off all courage and
i can choose strength or weakness.
courage or fear.
while strength & courage are viable options,
i continue to choose
the poison.
the latter.
the other.

02 April 2011

Jesus desires you

Lately the Lord has been speaking to me by prompting the people in my life to share YouTube clips of slam poetry, sermons, songs, etc with me. These videos have always, every single time, hit a soft spot in my heart; a place where the Lord has been trying to reach me but I've been hesitant to give over complete control.

"I Will Wait For You" talks about not giving your heart away to just anyone, but instead wholly seeking the Lord for comfort and companionship. God is preparing someone for each and every one of us, and His timing will always be perfect; so we just have to wait for that one whom God has prepared for us.

"Jesus Wants the Rose" reminds us that no matter how much we mess up our lives or how much sin we choose to partake in, Jesus wants us! Jesus wants us to bring our broken, ragged, dirty selves wholly to Him for redemption and salvation. Jesus loves us in the midst of our sin and our deceit, and continues to loves us as we give our lives over to Him. This video and the message of it is so powerful, and brings tears to my eyes every time I remember it! I am so undeserving of the love God has for me, yet it is heaped upon me each and every moment of my life! How glorious is the Lord that created me!