14 April 2013

Two things in March?!

Yes indeed, friends.  I had two adventures in March.  This means I need to add to my list!!  We'll see how that goes.

Towards the end of March, when the weather was far more spring-like than it is right now....in the middle of April, Laura and I went to Summit brewery!  We both hadn't eaten much that day, so Laura, being a nice friend, stopped at McDonald's to pick us up some food to eat on the way there.  We really like the healthy stuff, as you can tell.  We got there and sat in a very empty lunch room style room for a while, and then our educational tour started.  We heard about the history of the brewery, the way they make their beer, and then headed into the back to see some of the equipment and processes.  We also got to see their GIANT beer fridge.  When I say GIANT, I mean it.

After the tour, we were given three samples each.  These samples were more like a normal amount of beer I would drink in one sitting, so I was glad we had eaten some food!  I bought myself a souvenir pint glass, tried three different beers, found out I'm still not a fan of stouts, and had a blast!

Thanks Laura for taking me on this tour!  :D

Here are a few pictures from our adventure

Stylish glasses

The first of our drinks...

...and the last of our drinks, in the sun, on the patio.

Updated List!
1.  Take a lesson in down-hill skiing.
2.  Attend a wine tasting event.
3.  Go to a roller derby.
4.  Take a swing dancing class.
5.  Get my nose pierced.
6.  Take a long bike ride through Minnesota.
7.  Take a decorating/baking class.
8.  Go to the top of the Foshay.
9.  Go trap shooting or to a shooting range...
and actually shoot a gun.
10.  Go on a brewery tour.
11.  Go sailing on Lake Calhoun.
12.  Pick up an instrument.
aka: Play it each day for a month.

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