27 January 2014

26th year. Time to explore.

Something that I've learned about myself over the course of my not so long life, is that I am more of a creature of habit than I would ever want to admit. For example, I've been at J. Arthur's coffee at least 3 times in this last week. I now know half the staff. I also work at a different coffee shop. (So maybe I am just addicted to coffee?) For another example, I've lived in Minneapolis for about 7 years and I haven't been to most of the places that Minneapolis/St Paul is famous for. I just stick to what I know and don't go out and explore the place I've chosen as my home.  Last year was a good start to this next year's word choice.

As I go through this next year, I'll expand even more on why I chose the word I chose, but for the time being, here's the vision I have for the next year of my life.

"to traverse or range over (a region, area, etc.) 
for the purpose of discovery"

I want to traverse and range over the Twin Cities so I can discover the things about this area that make it so unique and special. I want to discover why I love it here so much, and find more reasons to love it as much as I do. I also wouldn't mind a reason to love winter. Just sayin'. I want to explore the popular things that everyone says are "must sees". I also want to explore the lesser known and the "hole-in-the-wall" places that are more unique and underground. I don't have a list of things to do yet, and I might not even come up with one.  For now, if you have ideas, throw 'em out there. I might just take you with me. 

Delicious "Cocoa & Fig" flourless chocolate cake. YUM.

25 January 2014

A New Year Awaits

While this post might be almost a month late, I at least started it at the beginning of January, so it's sort of timely, right? :)

It's that time of year again. Where the calendar changes and we all write the wrong date for the next 3 months, we all make some resolutions that we ultimately don't follow through on or we forgo resolutions all together, and the time of year when IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I'm not usually one to get super excited about my birthday or to make a big deal about it.  However, last year I made it a point to do something intentional with each year.  I'll pick a word or a goal that I would like to reflect on over the year and do things to intentionally work toward that goal.

Last year, for my 25th year, I decided to ADVENTURE. And it really was a year of great adventures with a few more to come!  (I still have a couple things on my list to cross off, but those might end up being things that get moved over to this next year now.) My goal was get out of my comfort zone and do things I've always wanted to do. This was hard, it required boldness, it required gumption, and it required having a good time with friends.  It taught me the value of resting well, loving people in my life well, and being OK going out on my own into the world (aka: going to things by myself and going to unknown situations). I'm pretty pumped for this next part.  It's the part where I put a bunch of pictures up of all the things I did this year! Get ready, because it's pretty spectacular.

Thanks friends for helping me go on adventures!

Two cupcakes I decorated.

Kari and I cuttin' a rug!

Jon Belleau showin' off his mad decorating and baking skillz.

Spicy sushi. Big deal.

Top o' the Foshay! Fo'sho'!

Horse races. I even placed a bet!

Roller derby with the coolest Hope Mom I know!

Miss this girl and this weather...

Never been more tired or had more fun than when I learned to ski.

Hikey hike hike.

07 January 2014

Remember Remember, it was once December

And in December I went to a roller derby! Way fun.  I've always wondered just how accurate the movies are at depicting what that world is like. Surprisingly, Hollywood exaggerates a lot of things. I know, shocking.

I'll keep this post short, because really a roller derby speaks for itself. I went to the derby with my friend, Amy, and ended up sitting with a couple families from church. What a fun surprise! We went to cheer on a mom of a few of the youth at Hope, so it was a special kind of fun hanging out with the youth and cheering on someone I never thought would do a roller derby!

My favorite things from the night include:  1. The derby name "Buzz Tightrear" 2. Polka dancing at the "half-time" 3. Being the loudest cheer section and getting a shout out from the announcer 4. "Stealing" some empty seats on the floor level. Awesome.

Here are a couple pics.

Amy, "Roley Ann Lena" (Kim) and me!
So much pushing. On skates. Yikes.

Updated List!
1.  Take a lesson in down hill skiing.
2.  Go on an impromptu road trip.
3.  Go to a roller derby.
4.  Take a swing dancing class.
5.  Get my nose pierced.
6.  Take a long  bike ride through Minnesota
7.  Take a decorating/baking class.
8.  Go to the top of the Foshay.
9.  Go trap shooting or to a shooting range...
and actually shoot a gun.
10.  Go on a brewery tour.
11.  Go to the horse races.
12.  Plant a church. (I don't know why this wasn't on here before...)